
Initially a series of events and parties run across South London, Cherche Encore became a label in 2017. French for keep looking / look again, Cherche Encore is run by Blue Maignien (Hortense), Harry Murdoch (hmurd), and Hazel Ryan (Deep Vain) and has proudly supported first releases and emerging artists.

If you appreciate Cherche Encore, please consider making a donation via Paypal.

The label’s pace has varied since we started in 2017 but from 2022 onwards we will only be releasing up to 4 records a year. You are very welcome to submit a demo using our email address

We also have a mix series dedicated to recorded music that doesn’t fit into a release or is in progress. This series is hosted on our website only and you are welcome to submit (via email) anything you think falls into the description.

When you release with Cherche Encore you maintain full copyright.

Up until 2022, all our projects were DIY and unfunded. We would cover mastering, artworks, marketing in house to the best of our time and ability. Artists would receive 100% of sales up to £150. Then we would start taking 30% of sales after that.

In 2022 we received a National Lottery Project Grant from Arts Council England to release 4 projects and so we were able to pay all the artists involved 3 days of work at £175 / day to produce their music. On those projects, the label takes 50% of sales.