error topography
- Happier without
- Second-order simulacra
- Haneda 2am, (1) new email
- Eurostar

Abstraction is no longer the map, simulation no longer the territory. Borge’s cartographers can draw a map so detailed it can cover the territory exactly. The cartographers arein the world of the hyper real, we are there with them.
It is the map that precedes the territory - precession of simulacra - that generates the territory.
I am looking out at white snow in a hallucinatory fog. I reach out to touch it and it disappears. Mirrors become viscous surfaces, the reflective becomes objective. It is not reality but the subject dissolving.
error topography is a 4 track EP by digital selves out on Cherche Encore via Bandcamp on 27/04/22. The EP will be released together with visual artwork by Joana Chicau, and will be premiered at Corsica Studios on 31/03/2022. The project is supported using public funding by Arts Council England.
digital selves is a musician, researcher and live-coder. Her debut EP was released on Belgian label i.u. She recently featured in Fact Magazine’s Artist DIY series where she presented her live-coding practice. She has previously performed live at Cafe Oto, Corsica Studios, Iklectik, New River Studios, No Bounds Festival (Sheffield), Bangface Festival (Southport).
Joana Chicau is a graphic designer, researcher and coder, with a background in choreography and performance. She is currently an associate lecturer at UAL Creative Computing Institute and Graphic and Media Design at London College of Communication. And a member of Varia.Zone, center for everyday technology and co-founder of Netherlands Coding Live.
Mastering by Harry Murdoch
Artwork by Lizzie Wilson
Released April 27, 2022